A few very short months later and I am under the knife again. I was only on Guam for 15 months. I went through 3 supertyphoons while I was there, the last took out the million something dollar expansion at the airport that they had JUST finished.
Not a great pic but yes that is a wall of water coming up over the cliff after one of the super typhoons.
Before I continue on with surgery details I need to introduce you to my now husband. The "guy I met that likes the same things I do"? Yup. Him. I met him in the day room which had a tv, a pool table and a fridge. And a couple of chairs. For people that did not own a tv or have cable they could go watch the game or whatever, provided no one else was watching something. I think he was playing pool. I can't remember. I do remember talking to him for awhile and leaving with "stop by my room whenever if you want". Imagine my surprise when he took me up on that offer! We started hiking trails together, he joined the roller hockey team (although he was best on foot), he would stand watch for me when I wanted to sneak Chara into the barracks and then we would meet up in my room once the dog was safely in. We went to the pet store and bought fish together. He put a crystal ball in the middle of his fishtank and got glowy tetras for it. I got the traditional fish tank stuff and got some kind of catfish for mine. He also "adopted" a boonie dog from Sister Mary but tragically that dog did not listen and I got a frantic early morning call from Sister Mary telling me the dog had been hit. I went out but by the time I got there, she had died. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to tell Rex. It was devastating. We buried her on Sister Mary's farm. We still went hiking after that - I was forever trying to train those dogs of hers so they would be more adoptable. Poor Chara got tied to more dogs than I can count because she would not leave my side. So I tied a 6-8 inch rope between the dogs and when the other one ran off I simply said "Chara stay" and that dog would go no where. One dog that I really was Chara's half sister "Star" and we went in search of the legendary "tarzan falls" (for the umpteenth time - we never found it I don't think) and Star was being so good I was an idiot and let her off the leash. That dog was up and gone. I called and called, Rex hiked up the trail to the car thinking maybe she took off that way - nope gone. I finally gave up, drove back to Sister Mary's to drop Chara off and explain what had happened. I went out the next day, called her name and there she was. She evidently decided she would have to catch her own dinner if she stayed gone so she decided to be kept again. Never let that dog off Chara again though.

Yep. One of the few pix I own with Rex's eyes OPEN!
So getting back to my shoulder, I went in for my second Guam surgery in November. I left Guam in December/January of 2003.
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